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George E. Hayes Articulator (Early 1860's)

Designed By:
George E. Hayes

Manufactured By:
Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Company Buffalo, NY

US Patent:


This articulator was very popular during the last half of the 19th century. It was touted to be the first one invented that dispensed with the removable joint pin, a part that was so easily lost or mislaid. It was also said to be capable of all motions required in an articulator and could be brought back to centric position with ease and certainty. The joint mechanism was "self-locking." The price remained at $2.50 for thirty years.

The Dental Advertizer, August 1869, page 15; Morrison Brothers Dental Catalogue, Nashville, TN, 1897


Dr. Edgar N. Starcke's articles in the Journal of Prosthodontics have more information on the history of articulators.