The map above shows locations of UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry and its off-campus clinics. Please click the arrow button at the top left of the map to see a list of locations.
UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry is located at the corner of Cambridge Street and East Road in Houston. Surface lot parking is available across the street for up to $10 per day.
Metro Bus 60 and Bus 297 (which both connect to the TMC Transit Center) stop near the School of Dentistry, Cooley Center, and UT Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences Building. The Woodlands Express also stops in front of the school.
General Information
Main Campus
UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St.
Houston, TX 77054
[email protected]
Automated Line: 713-486-4000
After Hours Emergency
Student Clinics
Contact Student Provider
If Student Not Available Call
713-486-4000 Option 1
Student & Academic Affairs:
[email protected]
UTHealth Registrar:
[email protected]
Library & Learning Commons:
UT Dental Bookstore:
General Practice
University Dental Center
(Care by Faculty & Residents)
UT Professional Building
6410 Fannin St., Suite 310
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: 713-500-7171
Student Specialty Clinics
Pediatric Dentistry: 713-486-4334
Special Patient Clinic:
Graduate Specialty Clinics
Endodontics: 713-486-4230
Pediatric Dentistry: 713-500-8220
Periodontics: 713-486-4048
Prosthodontics: 713-486-4347
Orthodontics: 713-486-4190
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery:
Faculty Practice/Graduate
UT Dentists
Inside UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St., Suite 1210
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-486-4444
UT Dentists Imaging
Inside UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St., Suite 1210
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-486-4444
UT Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Scurlock Tower, Suite 1900
6560 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77030
Phone: 713-790-4600
UT Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
Inside UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St., Suite 6110
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-486-4411
UTHealth Pediatric Dentistry
Inside UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St., Suite 3410
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-500-8220