UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry will be closed Monday, Dec. 23, through Wednesday, Jan. 1, in observance of winter break.
The School of Dentistry will reopen Thursday, Jan. 2, and clinical operations resume Monday, Jan. 6. The Urgent Care Clinic will reopen by appointment only.
Designed By:
Richard A. Beu and James H. Janik
Manufactured By:
Hanau Engineering Co., Inc. Buffalo, NY
US Patent:
This is one of the Hanau “University Series” articulators devised by Richard Beu and James Janik. There were 21 models available. This is a sturdily built, “wide body”, and non-arcon semi adjustable instrument. This model, with an occlusal plane analyzer (a.k.a., the “Broaderick Flag” , and Schuyler's modified incisal table and offset incisal pin, was used by the Pankey-Mann group after the Pankey-Mann Instrument was no longer used. This articulator and its accessories embodied all the attributes required for the Pankey-Mann Schuyler functionally generated path philosophy.
Dr. Edgar N. Starcke's articles in the Journal of Prosthodontics have more information on the history of articulators.