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UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry will be closed Monday, Dec. 23, through Wednesday, Jan. 1, in observance of winter break.

The School of Dentistry will reopen Thursday, Jan. 2, and clinical operations resume Monday, Jan. 6. The Urgent Care Clinic will reopen by appointment only.

Hollander “Centriculator” Articulator

Designed By:
Samuel, Lloyd N., and Ralph F. Hollander

Manufactured By:
The Ransom and Randolph Company, Toledo , Ohio.

US Patent:


The “Centriculator” is simply a sturdy holding device with ease of access for the fabrication of complete dentures. The movement of the upper cast holder is vertical only and was intended to maintain centric relation of the dentures


Dr. Edgar N. Starcke's articles in the Journal of Prosthodontics have more information on the history of articulators.