UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry will be closed Monday, Dec. 23, through Wednesday, Jan. 1, in observance of winter break.
The School of Dentistry will reopen Thursday, Jan. 2, and clinical operations resume Monday, Jan. 6. The Urgent Care Clinic will reopen by appointment only.
Designed By:
Milus M. House
Manufactured By:
Dentists’ Supply Company of New York
US Patent:
Not patented. (The patent numbers on the articulator refer to the occlusal grinder)
Milus House worked with John Needles at the John Deaner Dental Institute in Kansas City, Missouri for several years and, therefore, some of Needles’ ideas were incorporated into the House articulator. The incisal guide assembly belonged to Needles, but it was improved by House by incorporating the offset (two part) incisal pin that was concentric to the arc of closure of the articulator and entered the assembly more easily to engage the protrusive control plate. The lateral plates of the incisal assembly created a controlling mechanical gothic arch. While the condylar elements are fixed, the intercondylar centers of rotation are controlled by two hooks that slide on the condylar axle. The House articulator can be set by using the Needles-House Chew-in record (stereographic) or check-bite records (static). This articulator also has the House rotary milling device on the maxillary mounting stage. Powered by a pulley (usually from a laboratory lathe), this milling device creates a circular “area of freedom” in the centric position. Primarily, it creates freedom in lateral as well as a lesser amount in retrusion and protrusion. The House can be generally classified as a semi-adjustable articulator.
Dr. Edgar N. Starcke's articles in the Journal of Prosthodontics have more information on the history of articulators.