Generations Conference 2023 set for Sept. 8
Published: August 17, 2023 by Kyle Rogers
The PACE Center is excited to present five feature presentations during Generations Conference 2023 on Friday, Sept. 8, at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry.
The feature presentations offer a chance to engage with thought leaders in various fields, connect with your peers, and broaden horizons amongst the School of Dentistry and dental practicing community.
Below is a quick snapshot of the programs and the intended audiences:
- Generations Conference 2023 (Full-slate of programs)
Register at
- Jack R. Winston, DDS Visiting Professorship in Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry
Keynote Presenter: Jim Grisdale, DDS, MRCD
Course Title: The Surgical/Restorative Connection in Dental Implant Treatment for the General Practitioner: Why, Where, When, and How for a Successful Long-Term Outcome
Student Audience: DSIII and DSIV
- Claude L. Nabers, DDS, MSD and Blanche Eaton Nabers Visiting Professorship in Periodontics
Keynote Presenter: Darnell Kaigler, DDS, PhD
Course Title: Oral Health, Overall Health, and Regenerative Dentistry
Student Audience: DSII
- Special Invitation: Annual Dental Hygiene Lecture
Presenter: Linda D’Amico, RDH
Course Title: Worn Out! How to Relieve and Manage Erosion
Student Audience: DHI and DHII
- Special Invitation: Professionalism and Ethics Lecture
Presenter: David M. Bonner, DDS
Course Title: Successful Leadership Advances Professionalism and Excellent Ethics
Student Audience: DSI
Supported by the S. Jerry Long, DDS Career Development Endowment Fund and the W. Kenneth Horwitz, DDS Endowed Fund in Ethics
- Meeting TSBDE and DEA MATE Requirements
Presenter: Arthur H. Jeske, DMD, PhD
Course Title: The Opioid Epidemic and Dentists: Scope, Related Issues, and Dental Implications of Patients with Substance Abuse Disorders
Audience: Faculty, Residents, and Private Practitioners
*Reduced registration fees for School of Dentistry faculty; refer to Texas State Board of Dental Examiners and Drug Enforcement Administration for licensure requirements
Interested parties are asked to compete registration no later than Friday, Sept. 1. This ensures time for planning and finalizing catering, set-ups, etc. for the event. For assistance, email [email protected].
Attendees should plan to arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. for check-in and breakfast. Lectures will commence promptly at 8:15 a.m.
UTSD Houston ASDA Open update: Considering the well-being and comfort of our participants, and in response to the prevailing weather conditions, we have made the decision to postpone the UTSD Houston ASDA Open to later in the fall. We will work diligently to set the new date for the golf tournament and will communicate this information to you as soon as it becomes available.