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Message from Dr. Mary C. Farach-Carson, Associate Dean for Research

Welcome to the 2023 Student Research Showcase. This year marks the 13th year of the Showcase featuring the exciting research findings generated by our students, residents and postdoctoral trainees. More than 20 mentors and nearly 32 students will be presenting their exciting research discoveries in both oral and poster formats. We are privileged to host our keynote speaker, Dr. Natalia Chalmers DDS, MHSc, PhD, who will present a seminar on “Oral Health: An Evidence and Data-Driven Approach to Achieve Better Health, Equity, and Fiscal Responsibility” as part of the William T. Butler Lectureship series. We invite you to participate and enjoy this day where we showcase our recent discoveries that span from basic to clinical research. Congratulations to all students and mentors for their dedication to discovery that made this an exciting summer research program.

Message from Dr. Dharini van der Hoeven, Director of Pre-/Post-Doctoral Research

Through their participation in research and creative endeavors, dental and dental hygiene students become better thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers, cultivating a depth of understanding needed to make a positive difference in the world. At the Research Showcase, we recognize those students who participated in the Summer Research Program and celebrate their contributions to discovery. As with any difficult undertaking, it takes a team effort to be successful, and special thanks and recognition are due to the faculty mentors who volunteer their time and knowledge to support the Summer Research Program. I hope you enjoy this year’s Research Showcase. Thank you for supporting our students on this special day.

William T. Butler Distinguished Lecturer

chalmers-natalia.pngNatalia I. Chalmers DDS, MHSc, PhD is a board-certified pediatric dentist, oral health policy expert, and public health advocate who brings more than 20 years of clinical, research, industry, and regulatory experience to CMS in her role as Chief Dental Officer in the Office of the Administrator. Previously, Dr. Chalmers served as a Dental Officer at the US Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Chalmers has devoted her career to transforming scientific and health care data and information into actionable insights to address equity, improve care, and better inform policy and funding. Dr. Chalmers completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Medical University of Sofia, a residency in pediatric dentistry at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, and a Ph.D. in oral microbiology from the Graduate Partnerships Program of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research at the National Institutes of Health, Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Forsyth Institute, and Clinical Research Fellowship at the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Chalmers holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Research from Duke Medical University and a Certificate in Drug Development and Regulatory Science from the University of California San Francisco School of Pharmacy. Her research has translated into action, improving oral care and advocating for the role health policy can play across the lifespan—particularly when it embraces dental well-being as a facet of care for the whole person.

Location: Denton A. Cooley, MD and Ralph C. Cooley, DDS University Life Center


12:00 - 12:30 PM Lunch
12:30 – 2:00 PM Student Poster Presentations

------Welcome & Opening remarks------

2:00 – 3:15 PM Student Oral Presentations
3:20 – 3:25 PM Introduction to William T. Butler Distinguished Lecture
3:30 – 4:30 PM Natalia I. Chalmers, DDS, MHSc, PhD “Oral Health: An Evidence and Data-Driven Approach to
Achieve Better Health, Equity, and Fiscal Responsibility”
4:30 – 5:00 PM Awards Ceremony

Student Showcase Abstracts